A young filmmaker, Michael Lees, sets off to the forest with minimal tools and a question, “What makes for a good life?” But 3 months into his sojourn, one of the most devastating hurricanes to ever be birthed by the Atlantic Ocean, cat. 5 Hurricane Maria, hits his island, leaving Michael and his country to grapple with survival like never before.

The film made its film festival debut in 2019 at the Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival, and went on to screen at festivals across the US, Caribbean, and a handful of festivals in Europe. It won the Caribbean Spirit Award at The Barbados Independent Film Festival, and the Villa Romana Award at the African Diaspora Cinema Festival in Florence. It has also received celebrity endorsement by NY Times bestselling author John Perkins, & Soca superstar Machel Montano. It currently holds a rating of 9.5 on IMDB.


The Dominica Vetiver Project (Short Doc)

The Dominica Vetiver Project follows participants & project leader Vonnie Roudette as she introduces Vetiver in numerous communities, including The Kalinago Territory, the last home of the Caribbean’s indigenous people. Integral to Vonnie’s grassroots work, the vetiver serves as a low cost soil erosion intervention, a means of making money through craft, and an enricher of soil for farming.

The film screened at the Green Screen Environmental Film Festival in Trinidad and the Hairouna Film Festival in St Vincent.


Commercial & Music Video

One Off has created music videos such as “Doucement” for the band Tropikal, and is currently developing a commercial for the leading organic cosmetic manufacturer on island. Soon to be released also is a short documentary around the development of a sustainable cocoa industry in Dominica which involved the collection and genetic sequencing of the plants on island.

One Off is currently developing its first docuseries.


Michael Lees

Director, DP, Producer

Marica Honychurch

DP, Director

Norris Francois

Editor, DP