(919) 923-4674     mlees@live.unc.edu

716 MLK Jr Blvd, Shibumi Apt#B2    Chapel Hill, NC 27514

       michael-lees-5sth-squarespace.com            flickr.com/photos/michaelhenrylees    




University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

·         BA in Communication Studies (Media Production) GPA 3.52, Cumulative GPA 3.15

·         Minors in PPE (Philosophy, Political Science, Economics) and Business, Expected graduation May 2015



Figure 8 Films (Carrboro, NC) Production Office Intern                                                                 January 2014- Present

·         Researched and logged clips for retrospective episodes for 19 Kids and Counting and Sister Wives

·         Performed office duties such as updating internet media, creating chyrons, and logging release forms

·         Assisted coordinating filming excursions by serving as the point of contact for third parties


Agile Films (London, UK) Production Office Intern, Runner                                                                               July 2014

·         Procured locations for music videos, including an emergency location within 48 hours after a failed shoot

·         Shot, edited, and assisted art department with online marketing content for Converse

·         Ran playback, worked with the art department, and worked with cast in music videos and corporate videos for clients including Franz Ferdinand, The Glass Animals, E.ON Energy Company


Safe Haven Real Estate (Roseau, Dominica) Marketing Intern                                               June 2013 – August 2013

·         Repositioned brand – launched environmental awareness partnership, created tag-line

·         Improved the website (usability, tone, language) based on Google Analytics and consumer research

·         Launched a photography competition – raised Facebook engagement over 300%, gained free publicity

·         Promoted the company by designing and distributing flyers; prepared press releases; partnered with businesses

·         Created a Flickr and took pictures and video around the island to showcase Dominica as a property destination



·         Friendli/ Bevii (Chapel Hill, NC)                                                                                         February 2015 – Present

-    Developed, wrote, and currently producing a commercial for tech startup   

·         Humans of Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC)                                                                        January 2014 – Present

-    Cofounder; interview, photograph, and document strangers’ stories; run various social media                                                                     facebook.com/humansofCH                  

·         Billco Productions (Chapel Hill, NC)                                                                                January 2014 – Present

-    Shot/produced videos for clients including AFROTC, UNC Girls’ Soccer Camp, and Gary Mitchell

·         Shot stills for various companies including Anchorage Hotel, and Rosalie Bay Hotel (Dominica)              Summer 2013

·         Was embedded in Kalinago Territory for a week for a photojournalism project (Dominica)                  Summer 2013



Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity – Vice President of Membership                               Spring 2013

UNC Student TV General College – Core team; capacities include writing, shooting and editing            Fall 2014 – Present

The Daily Tar Heel – Staff photographer                                                                                                 Fall 2014


Honors and Awards


Crash Campaign Client Winner UNC-CH School of Journalism and Mass Communication             November 2014



·   Production Tools – Adobe Premiere, Photoshop; various cameras (including Canons, Sonys, and Panasonics) and audio recording equipment; own a 60D

·   Business Software – Bloomberg Certified, QuickBooks Pro, Google Analytics, Wordpress

·   Spanish – Intermediate/advanced Spanish; spent four months immersed in Ecuador; over 5 years of lessons




Instagram: mike_please

